The Dark Side of Cedar Point
In May 2022, the investigative series “The Dark Side of Cedar Point” aired, unveiling the disturbing reality of sexual assault cases within Cedar Point’s employee dorms. This investigation, a collaboration between 11 Investigates, WKYC in Cleveland, and WBNS in Columbus, uncovered a pattern of neglect and indifference to sexual assault reports that had occurred over a span of five years. The fallout from the investigation was swift — Cedar Fair, Cedar Point’s parent company, settled three lawsuits related to these incidents. But the work didn’t stop with the airing of the series. A full broadcast and social media package was developed to ensure that the story reached as many people as possible, helping to shed light on this toxic culture and the ongoing failures of both the park and the police.
Crafting a Brand Identity for the Story
The broadcast package was designed to reflect the serious nature of the investigation. The visual identity incorporated dark and somber tones, primarily black and blue, underscoring the gravity of the story. The choice of broken glass imagery set against a backdrop of black and blue stones evoked a sense of shattered trust and destruction, aligning perfectly with the narrative of broken promises and the failure of a major institution to protect its employees. It was a rough, yet modern look — intended to be straightforward and to the point. The clean, easy-to-read fonts and sharp graphics ensured that the information was communicated clearly without any distractions, keeping the focus on the painful truth of the allegations.
The Power of Animation
One of the key elements of the broadcast package was the use of animation to help make the complex and often dense legal language more understandable. Legal jargon, especially in cases of this magnitude, can be overwhelming, but the animations were created to break down these difficult concepts. They helped viewers understand not only the specific legal issues at hand but also the personal stories of those affected. Each animation illustrated how the events unfolded. The visuals also helped show how the police and Cedar Point responded — or more accurately, how they failed to respond. The slow and inadequate reactions from both authorities and the park were portrayed in stark contrast to the urgency of the situation.
A Comprehensive On-Air and Digital Package
The on-air broadcast package was just the beginning. To ensure that the message reached a broader audience, the team created a robust social media and promotional campaign. This included sharing key visuals from the investigation, clips from interviews, and powerful animations that brought the emotional weight of the story to life. The social media posts weren’t just about sharing information — they were about giving a voice to those who had suffered in silence, highlighting the need for accountability and change. The powerful imagery of broken glass, dark tones, and the stark reality of the situation became synonymous with the investigation itself, reminding viewers that the fight for justice was far from over.
A Commitment to Justice and Advocacy
11 Investigates has long been known for its commitment to fighting for those who do not have a voice, particularly those facing off against powerful institutions. In this case, the investigation brought to light a toxic culture that had been allowed to persist for far too long. The victims, some of whom had previously been ignored or silenced, were given the platform they deserved. As attorney Robert DiCello, who represented the plaintiffs in the lawsuits, stated: “The work you did was instrumental in shining an important light on the realities of what was going on at Cedar Point.” Without the investigative series, these stories might never have been told.
The series ultimately led to significant legal action, including settlements for the victims, but it also marked the beginning of a larger conversation about accountability and responsibility. Cedar Point and its parent company, Cedar Fair, will now have to face the consequences of their inactions — in response to these allegations.
As 11 Investigates continues to uncover the truth in the face of powerful opposition, this broadcast package stands as a testament to the power of journalism — not just to inform, but to inspire change. The work doesn’t end with one story; it continues, driven by the unwavering commitment to those whose voices have been silenced.